Given the uncertainty of everything right now, we wanted to bring a feature to Tutti that would help you feel a little more comfortable with booking space:
Introducing: Tutti’s Covid Filters.
Hosts now have the ability to share:

When they’re officially opening (many creative spaces such as theatres and concert halls plan to open over the coming months - some are delaying their reopening well into 2021)
How many people they can host taking into account social distancing
Precautions they’re taking, including rules for employees in the space, and artists booking the space
Covid cancellation policy - up to how many days before a booking can an artist cancel a booking and expect a full refund?
Additional covid-related information
Here’s an example listing with all covid info filled out: Dom’s Stratford Rehearsal Space
Want to edit your COVID details? Sign in and go to your listings. Edit either a location or a space in order to find covid details, and click on the covid tab.

Advertising your space for future uses
You now have two ways to “close” your space on Tutti, if you are officially closed for business right now:
You can close your listing, so that no one can find it, book it, or message you. (go to your listings, click the 3 dots on a location or space, and select 'close' - doing this on location closes all spaces in that location at once)
OR you can open your listing, and set the open date in the new COVID details to ‘closed until unknown date’ or ‘select date.’ Both of these options will display a large sign to anyone considering booking your space, that it is currently closed due to covid, but they are welcome to message about a potential future booking.
Host Signup
Signing up as a host on Tutti has always been a bit of muddled process. There’s been confusion when we ask companies for their birth date, or an individual home owner for their company name.
With this version of Tutti, we’re introducing a system that asks tailored questions depending on who you are: an individual, a company, or a charity - something we hope will improve the experience for everyone.

Mobile Views
When building this new version of Tutti, we had limited resources and had to focus on one experience at a time. As the majority of our traffic in 2019 had been desktop, we focused on that. However in the past few months we’ve noticed an equal number of users across both mobile & desktop, so this addition significantly improves the experience for mobile users on a number of key pages:
My Spaces
My Bookings
Booking conversations
And that about sums it up…
Of course there are loads of small changes we’ve made to improve site speed and overall usability, but the above are the big improvements. If you’re interested, the small changes include:
Implemented Display Name (name users will see when interacting with you - either your company name, or first name and last initial).
Added dynamic meta data and titles - you can easily see what page of Tutti you’re on at any one time.
Added Tutti times & hours on every listing so you can see a space’s open hours & costs before making a booking.
Removed “Log in to view more” on photos so anyone, not just registered user, can see all photos on any listing.
Have a look around the new site changes at
If you’re a host, you can add covid details to your listing(s) by going to your listings and clicking any of your locations or spaces to edit.
Let us know what you think of these changes by emailing us at anytime.
Till the next one,
I’ve been Gabriel, and this has been Tutti Patch Notes :)